Los Angeles, CA: CEO Andy Khawaja of Allied Wallet, a globally leading provider of online payment processing, multi-currency merchant services, and a PCI Level 1 secured payment gateway, offered an expert point-of-view on e-commerce and business innovation live on CNBC this week.
CNBC Arabiya features a daily program schedule on the region’s most pressing business news, regional stock market summary, and corporate updates. They often offer a concentrated commentary on how developments from Europe and America are affecting the region.
Andy Khawaja is a globally-renowned entrepreneur and e-commerce expert, most significantly recognized for his achievements with his global payment services company, Allied Wallet.
Mr. Khawaja sat down with CNBC for a live interview regarding e-commerce and technological innovation and how it is affecting the middle east region.
“E-commerce is global,” said Mr. Khawaja, “…and people from all over the world are shopping beyond borders for new and interesting goods and services. E-commerce sales are in the trillions, and it’s important to have companies like Allied Wallet to facilitate safe transactions.”
Andy Khawaja also commented on Allied Wallet’s new partnership with Merrill Lynch to assist them in taking the company public.
CNBC Arabiya provided a great interview and widespread medium to inform the region of e-commerce and business technology. Andy Khawaja offered expert insight into this growing avenue of retail.
The interview and feature provided the region an example of the lucrative aspects of e-commerce and how a company can become a global success story.