Smart Personalities

This week’s post features’s Karen E. Klein and her podcast entitled, “Smart Answers.” This particular podcast is called “Self-Promotion for Introverts” and offers tips for the 50% of the population that would consider themselves more introverted than extroverted. She conducts an interview with Nancy Ancowitz, author of the book “Self-Promotion for Introverts.”

Nancy puts her first foot forward by explaining the idea that introvert should not have a negative connotation. They are simply half the population who prefer solo activity as opposed to social. She deems it as nothing more but preference. Introverts are equally talented and usually rely on strengths like writing, listening, and research which they could use to sell themselves and their businesses.

Nancy offers some tasks and advice for introverts to aid in their road to success. First and foremost, she says one must know what they are good at and how they are better than their competitor. If unsure of your skill set, Nancy encourages you to reach out to your inner circle. Ask your mentors, colleagues, coaches, and friends. She suggests having them e-mail it to you and keeping a “fan file” on days that you could use a boost. Next, she recommends that you practice and prepare the things you will say about your business. Introverts and extroverts alike should always rest and give themselves time to prepare for sales pitches. And while extroverts may find their vocal efforts more natural, introverts typically have great writing and listening skills to utilize.

With practice and exercise, an introvert does not have to be limited by their personality type. Introverts and extroverts are equally capable of all business management tasks. And while one may be better at passing out business cards and planting seeds, the other may find success by cultivating a few select plants very carefully. Personality never has to be a permanent limitation.

What personality type would you consider yourself? How does it help you in the aspects of your business?

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