Simplify Your Credit Card Merchant Processing in 3 Easy Steps

Credit card processing can be complicated. You need to ensure that your transactions are processed properly and are PCI compliant, keep records and report batches, and make sure everything works 24 hours a day. Breathe easy, there is a way to simplify your credit card merchant processing. Keep reading for three easy steps you can follow to simplify your processing.

Compliant Processing

If you host payments directly from your website you already know just how complicated it can be to make sure everything is processed properly. You also need to ensure that your payments are PCI compliant. There is a much easier way to process payment and make sure that everything is done properly and in compliance with the law.

A payment processor that offers hosted payment portals will handle the processing and all the complicated compliance issues for you. PCI compliance doesn’t just keep sensitive information safe, it’s also the law. Don’t spend valuable time and resources trying to understand complex algorithms and payment processing, let a seasoned professional handle your credit card merchant processing for you.

Record Keeping

Reporting and keeping detailed records is a vitally important aspect of your business, and a necessity for proper credit card processing. You want to spend your time and energy growing your business, not keeping books.

Work with a payment processor that offers a customer database, that provides software that tracks and reports for you, and that makes batching and reporting easy.

Smooth Sailing

The best way to simplify your credit card merchant processing is to hire a professional company to make sure it runs smoothly 24 hours a day. You want to work with a provider that offers 24 hour customer support. If problems arise you need to know that they will be handled quickly, no matter the time of day.

Perhaps the best way to simplify your payment processing is to work with a provider that will handle your customer service for you. The last thing you want to do is spend your time working out a customer return or waste valuable resources figuring out how to issue a refund. Choose a payment processor that can take over your customer service so you can focus on your business and leave the small stuff to professionals.

The Easy Way

The easiest way to simplify your credit card merchant processing is to work with a payment processor that offers great service, features, and support. Allied Wallet is an industry leading payment processor because they offer so many great options. They will streamline your payment portal to ensure proper processing and PCI compliance.

They offer easy to use management resources like a customer database, tracking and reporting, and a simple gateway interface. Finally, Allied Wallet is available 24/7 to give you support. They can even take over your customer support service to handle returns and refunds for your company. Call Allied Wallet today to simplify your credit card merchant processing.

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