Pick Your Platform: Android vs. iOS 5

Amidst the hysteria and chatter over the new iPhone 4s and iOS 5, Android is still quietly leading in certain aspects of development. Android developers have an advantage over Apple developers in their mobile operating system and though Apple has made some changes to aid developers in iOS 5, Android still manages to keep their lead in a few key areas that Dave Smith outlines in his article, “Six Areas Where Android Leads iOS.” These areas are:

  • Software categories
    • i.e. Live wallpapers, home screen widets, customisation tools
    • Open source
      • User access to source code – further customisation of looks, function, and feel
    • Background services
      • Android enables you to run multiple operations at once; thus, allowing long-term running processes and downloads
    • Resource Scaling
      • Resource framework enables customisation with automatic resizing for various sized Android phone screens
    • Accessories
      • Apple has set up an administrative barrier, making it harder for developers to create accessories
    • Portability
      • iOS is limited to the Apple device, while Android’s modular construction makes it versatile for many touch-enabled devices

Dave Smith, of Wires are Obsolete, is a specialist in the integration of applications on Android and iOS, as well as the coauthor of “Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach.” Smith gives a light, straight-forward explanation of each of the six key areas that Android leads iOS. He also provides a brief explanation of how Apple’s iOS 5 is adapting in each category. It appears that Apple may be behind in a few aspects of development which could be due to aesthetics and branding or slack in innovation, but it is clear that Apple still holds a large portion of the market share and remains in an innovational race with Android.

What do you think? Who has the upper hand? Pick your platform and tell us why!

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